Monday, October 27, 2008


My sweet new friend Jaci from church "tagged" me which means I am supposed to share 7 random things about myself and then tag 7 other people to do the same!

Here goes!

1. I love Christmas. A ton. It's always been my favorite holiday. I start listening to Christmas music in October and don't stop until sometime in January. And I don't just listen to the same stuff over and over - I have quite a collection! The other day I tried to count all the Christmas songs on my computer and I lost count somewhere around 150 - yikes! I love that Christmas brings out my creative side, I love that it brings my family together for an extended period of time, I love giving gifts, I love having a break from work, I love Christmas movies (Elf, Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, etc), I love holiday baking, I love bundling up, I love writing Santa a note and leaving it with his cookies and milk (yes, I still do that), and I love meditating on what Christmas means - and that just about every year I realize something wonderful and new about the story of Jesus coming to earth.
(ok, obviously I could go on and on about that one, but you get it...)

2. I love shopping - as long as it's not for groceries. Something about it is incredibly relaxing and stress-relieving. (Scary, I know.) Sometimes I go to Target on my lunch break just to look around and chill... and I leave without buying anything.

3. I listen to Talk Radio. A lot. You know, I am in my car for at least 1 hour and 20 minutes every day of the week. My favorites are Hugh Hewitt and Dennis Prager. They don't yell and I learn a lot from them - you should give them a try! :)

3. my husband thinks I'm obsessed with modern means of communication: ie facebook, blogging, etc. He's living in like 2002. (just kidding, matt)

4. When I listen to music - I listen to it LOUD. especially when driving.

5. I LOVE salt! more than anyone else I know. I put it on pretty much everything except sweets. My blood pressure, last checked on Tuesday, is 108/64. Pretty darn good. I should probably start cutting back... but I don't want to.

6. I'm really emotional and I have been since I was little. Ask my husband or an immediate family member just how emotional. I have a huge heart for emotional kiddos who cling to their parents and cry at the drop of a hat - that is sooo me.

7. I love "The Office". I think it's absolutely hilarious & I love how it reminds me of good times with one of my best friends, Meghan. Yes, there are some parts of some episodes that I just pretend aren't there, but still, it just cracks me up. Matt and I are going through them from the beginning right now and last night we watched the one where Jim tells Pam he's in love with her. Soooo good. :)

ok, so I officially TAG: Bobbie Baggett, Heather Greene, Beth LoSurdo, Steph Harrison, the lovely Sarah Bush, Mommy, and Allison Horner. Sarah and mom: either start blogging or post your seven things in my comments :)

1 comment:

Jaci said...

that was fun to read! I love Christmas too and in my opinion the LOUD is the only way to listen to music! My kids seem to be in agreement with me...they are often telling their daddy to "turn it up!"=)