Sunday, October 12, 2008

so you're not wondering...

okay, so apparently if I say anything with the word "baby" in it I might make people think I'm having one... see comments on the last post  :)  ...  so just for clarification, we're not (planning on) having a baby anytime soon.  Just in case there was any confusion. We do still like thinking about having one someday, thus the baby names.  You have to be prepared, right? 

Before a baby comes along, we would like to get a dog, but we've decided we can't get one until we find out where we're going to be living after June of 2009. (ie residency)  

This weekend we went to Barnes and Noble and looked at a big dog book just for fun...  we really like: 
1. Labs
2. Golden Retrievers
3. Springer Spaniels
4. Brittany Spaniels
5. Pointers (this is the most recent...)
6. other various breeds up for adoption...
If you have any advice on dog breeds, we'll take it!!

My family has had a lot of pets.  We had a beagle named "Hokey Pokey" first, then along came Sarah's rabbit "Snowball", then Kevin's Lab "Brownie", then Sarah's second rabbit "Oreo", then my lab, "Teddy".  Now my parents have a cute yellow lab named "Bailey" - she's precious.  Matt likes to laugh at us because apparently we like to name our animals after sweet treats.  :)  only some of them.
This is Bailey, the newest of the Bush family pets - she's so fun to play with  :)

p.s. I'm insanely jealous of my brother and his wife (Kevin and Kelly) who just got their 2nd puppy.  :)  I still love them, though!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Christine, thanks so much for leaving a comment on my blog. It led me to find yours, which is really great! I am glad to see that you are doing well. All the best, Meredith