Sunday, October 5, 2008

6 months!

We've been married SIX MONTHS!!! How quickly it has gone by!! It's been absolutely wonderful. Here are just a few of my favorite things about marriage so far.... in random order, and off the top of my head, of course.

1. attempting to make dinner for Matt.

2. watching Matt grow in Godliness and learning from his faithfulness and discipline

3. being excited about where next year will take us

4. helping in the nursery at church together

5. living at the Sycamore Tree close to Nathan and Bethany & Josh and Melanie!!!
6. getting my husband hooked on The Office.

7. Gloria's

8. Having Sarah stay with us :)

9. having other people over, too.

10. going for walks in Highland Park

11. sleeping in

12. talking about baby names

13. signing my prescriptions, finally, as Christine Whinery PA-C

14. having my best friend around all the time. and knowing he'll always be around. :)

There's so much more. but we're going for a walk in Highland Park - Woohoo!


Greg and Bobbie said...

baby names? i need to see my friends!

Allison Horner said...

DITTO! baby????

Jaci said...

Congratulations! Wow, I didn't realize that you were so newly married!:) So fun to see your enthusiasm and love for your husband!

Beth LoSurdo said...

Christine! It's so fun that you found my blog...and now I've found yours!! I have loved looking at all your wedding pictures and finding out what you have been up to! Looks like marriage is treating you well :) I am so happy for you and Matt. Keep in touch!