Sunday, March 11, 2012


So, apparently I need more motivation for blogging other than just being pregnant.  I suppose I didn't realize that I would find even more to occupy my time after finding out we are expecting.  :)  This nesting instinct won't let me sit still! 

We are growing rapidly around here - 25 weeks now!!  The last few weeks have been consumed by painting baby's room,  choosing new carpet for the upstairs part of our house, registering, and most recently, moving all of our stuff from upstairs to downstairs.  The new carpet comes this week, so we can actually start putting the nursery together after that!  :)

Here is a photo from about week 21ish.  Funny how I felt huge back then...

We did find time to get away for a few days for a "babymoon".  We went to Phoenix and had one of the most relaxing weeks of our lives.  We stayed at a resort and our daily routine consisted of: going to Starbucks, going to the pool, working out (feels so good to get back to a short jog here and there), going to dinner, and watching movies/catching up on our tv shows.  :)  It was 80 degrees every day so we definitely spent the majority of our days at the pool.  It was wonderful!!!

 These pics are all from 23 weeks.

We got to celebrate Matt's birthday while we were there.  We went to a great restaurant in Scottsdale which was so yummy and made us feel special.  

 Matt with his marg and me with one of about seven virgin mojitos I had on this trip.  For some reason they were tasting SO good. 

yummy birthday dessert :)

We had a fabulous time.  Such a relaxing and rejuvenating break from our busy lives and what was seeming like a never-ending cold Colorado winter!
We're now back to work and getting ready for baby!  Hopefully soon I can post about some actual progress in the nursery! :)

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