Monday, April 23, 2012

third trimester!

We're well into the third trimester around here and things are going well!  We're thrilled to be getting so close to meeting our little boy!!!  Baby seems to be perfectly healthy and I still feel pretty good on most days.  Sleep doesn't happen as much as I'd like, but I've managed to be pretty productive in the middle of the night. (i.e. writing this post)  ;)  My doctor said that the sleeping difficulties that happen in pregnancy are just preparing me for when baby comes.  I don't think I found this to be as reassuring as she intended it to be.

Work is challenging, but it keeps me busy which I'm thankful for.  The weeks fly by.  It's also very entertaining.  I don't know what happens in the doctor's office to make people just say whatever they are thinking....  the comments have been hilarious...
-  "I almost didn't recognize you!  You used to be so skinny!"
-  "I didn't say anything the last time I was here, I thought you had just gained a little weight..."
-  "You're a pretty good size for 29 weeks ... you're going to get bigger, you know."
-  me: "I think it's been about a year since you were last here..."
   patient:  "Yeah, I don't think you were pregnant the last time I was here, were you?"
   (is it possible some people don't know it only lasts nine months?)

and my personal favorite:  "How much weight have you gained???"

I got my first "You're about to pop!" comment the other day.  I'm only 31 weeks, people.

We celebrated our 4th Anniversary in Vail a few weeks ago.  Apparently Matt had possibly the best meal of his life at Sweet Basil that night.  It was a really fun, relaxing weekend!
28 weeks!

29 weeks?

31 weeks

The nursery is coming along!  We are still far from being finished, but here are the best before and after photos I have so far. :)

the first photo was before new carpet, after new paint, and obviously while I was trying to decide on fabric for curtains...

after!  new carpet and two of my favorite things in the nursery so far:  My mom made these fun green and white striped curtains that turned out perfectly. I love them! (the color isn't this dark, but it was a nighttime iPhone photo).  And the rocking chair was Matt's grandmother's.  She gave it to us around the time we got married and I finally had it recovered.  I absolutely love it!  (there's a before shot of the chair below - quite an improvement).

There you have it.  We're making progress.  More to come, soon!  :)


Haley Neahr said...

Gotta love the comments from patients!! I have had this conversation several times:
patient: "You have lost a lot of weight"
Me: "Well, that's what happens when you have a baby"
Patient: "You were pregnant??? I thought you were just getting fat!!"

Wow...people need to learn to filter :)
You look great though! Can't wait to meet your little boy :)

bethany said...

Christine, you look so cute! And I love that rocking chair!

- Bethany