Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3 down; 57 to go...

...total months of residency, that is. We're making progress. :) Matt has completed 3 of his 9 General Surgery months though, which sounds much better. In 6 months, he'll be able to focus on ENT instead of appendectomies, G-tubes, intracranial abcesses, and other fabulous things that he is not the least bit interested in.

And hopefully this will be his only course of Tamiflu this year.

It's been quite a year so far, but Matt is a trooper. I can't tell you how many times I've laid in bed unable to sleep because in my head I'm lecturing the President of the United States about how he'd better not mess with my husband's career. He works so incredibly hard and sometimes I wish average people knew how much it takes to become a doctor.

Not only does it take a brilliant mind and a compassionate heart, but it takes someone who is willing to set aside years of his life to learn how to save the lives of others.

It takes someone who is willing to go to work everyday knowing that patients' lives are in his hands (...there aren't many people who have that kind of pressure when they walk into the office in the morning.)
... someone who is willing to get up whenever they need to, to do whatever it takes.
... someone who will work from 5 am one day until noon the following day, without even sitting down to eat a meal, or sleeping.
...someone with the ability to be patient and kind toward sick people and worried families who have no idea how busy you are.... or how much you really care for them.
...someone who can handle incredible amounts of criticism, when compliments and simple Thank You's are few and far between.

It takes someone like Matt... and so many of our dear friends who we miss so much.

The next time you see your doctor, maybe try not to focus on how late they're running or how they're always bugging you to exercise, but think about saying an extra little "thank you." Because they really do care.

Ok, I'll get off my soap-box now.

I'm so proud of Matt for being 3/60ths of the way done. :)


stephanie said...

What a sweet tribute to your hubby :)

Ashley said...

Matt, we love you too!!!

Ashley said...

By the way, I got my flu shot last week...and the nurse let me know that I would be first in line for the H1N1 vaccine. Woohoo! Always something to look forward to at my Ob/Gyn visits.