Thursday, July 12, 2012

baby boy is here!

Ethan George Whinery made his appearance on June 27th, 2012.  He is happy and healthy, weighing in at 8 pounds, 6.5 ounces, and measuring 20 inches long.  

I was scheduled for an induction but was admitted to the hospital the night before and happened to go into labor on my own.  Ethan's heart rate dropped while I was in labor, so we were so thankful that I was already in the hospital being monitored.  As my labor progressed, his heart rate dropped again, and when none of the standard interventions were successful at bringing it back up, the doctors made the decision to get Ethan out with a stat c-section.  It was a really scary experience, but Ethan and I were in good hands.  They were able to get him out within about 5 minutes after they made the decision to do the c-section.  When he came out, his cord was around his neck, which is why his heart rate had been dropping.  Thankfully I had just gotten an epidural, so a few minutes were spared since they didn't have to do anesthesia.  Matt was by my side almost the whole time, which I was so thankful for.  We are so grateful to God that Ethan and I are okay.  Having to have an emergency c-section was my biggest fear about delivery, but the Lord protected us!

Our little guy is now two weeks old and we love him sooo much.  He is precious.  Nursing has not been my best friend, so we're working through that and seem to have made some progress (hopefully!). 


bethany said...

He's so cute, Christine! I'm so sorry your delivery was so scary. Praise God for a healthy mother & baby! I wish was in Colorado this week to meet the little guy!

Unknown said...

hi my name's Jimmy whinery I'm from sapulpa OK, I was going maybe we'd be family, plz contact me at jwhinery3399@, I Facebook, or by txt 9186984312